Luxurious body and wet swimsսit! Dakota Johnson was photographed without Photoshop on the beach in Mexico

After negative reviews from critics who called Dakota Johnson’s latest project, Madame Web, one of the worst superhero films ever, the star decided to take a break.

34-year-old Dakota left with her boyfriend, 46-year-old Chris Martin, to Mexico. And the paparazzi managed to photograph the couple on one of the sunny beaches.

It was hard not to notice Johnson: the white swimsսit perfectly emphasized her slender figure and golden tan. Long legs, a flat stomach, a fresh face without a drop of makeup…

Many fans even noticed that without makeup and retouching, Dakota looks much more attractive than on the red carpet. Martin (who, by the way, had previously been married to Gwyneth Paltrow for 13 years) was incredibly lucky!

By the way, many have noticed that the actress has recently moved away from the image of a prude, which she has been exploiting in recent years.

And if previously the maximum she allowed herself was deep necklines, now she can confidently claim the title of “queen of naked dresses”.

Just remember her outfit at the premiere of Madame Web. By the way, it brightened up the negative impression of the film itself for many.

The girl is not condemned for revealing images: it is simply a sin to hide such a body from the public. By the way, Dakota herself has more than once admitted that she owes such a stunning figure to the very film that made her a world star – “50 Shades of Grey.”

Since her character, Anastacia, had to look perfect in bold scenes, Dakota began training daily: a minimum of 45 minutes in the gym plus yoga in the studio. The filming ended, but the habit remained.

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