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Making a Big Difference: How On-Site Lab Testing Improves Access to Care


Staff member
Feb 16, 2024
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For millions of Americans, managing chronic health conditions like diabetes can be a challenge, especially when access to healthcare is limited. Traveling long distances, waiting for appointments, and delayed test results can all create significant barriers to receiving proper care.

Heart to Heart International is committed to breaking down these barriers through our Adopt-a-Lab program. This program equips free and safety-net clinics with on-site laboratory technology, allowing them to provide same-day testing and diagnosis, ultimately improving patient care and outcomes.

One such clinic benefiting from this program is RotaCare in Hempstead, New York. Serving uninsured members of its community, RotaCare relies on a dedicated team of volunteer medical professionals to offer crucial health services.

Faster Results, Better Care

Thanks to a generous donation from EVERSANA-INTOUCH, RotaCare received state-of-the-art lab equipment in October 2023. This has transformed their ability to serve patients by:

  • Providing same-day test results: Previously, patients had to wait days or even weeks for lab results, potentially delaying treatment. Now, RotaCare can perform tests like A1c (diabetes screening) and hemoglobin checks during a single visit, allowing for immediate diagnosis and treatment adjustments.
  • Avoiding unnecessary visits: A recent example involved a patient experiencing a sore throat. On-site testing quickly identified strep throat, enabling treatment in the clinic and avoiding a costly emergency room visit.
  • Improving medication management: Another patient’s A1c test revealed rising blood sugar levels, allowing for a prompt medication adjustment without waiting for lab results.

Positive Outcomes and a Growing Need

The impact of on-site testing at RotaCare is undeniable. Patients are experiencing faster diagnoses, improved medication management, and a reduction in unnecessary healthcare utilization. Additionally, the clinic has seen a rise in new patients and appointment requests due to positive word-of-mouth recommendations.

This program shows that seemingly small changes can have a significant impact. By providing on-site lab testing, we’re empowering clinics like RotaCare to deliver more efficient and effective care. This translates to healthier communities, reduced healthcare costs, and ultimately, a brighter future for countless individuals.

Photos from laboratory equipment installation in October 2023







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